Saturday, June 30, 2012

Africa: Part 6 "Entering Uganda"

Leaving Ethiopia was hard for me.  When I started my trip I thought my purpose was Ethiopia and I would see some cool stuff in Uganda.  It wasn't until later that the truth of my trip was revealed and Uganda was just what my family had been praying for.  You don't get to hear all about that until later on in the blog though :)

We spent a whole day traveling from Ethiopia to Uganda and settling in at our new guest house.  Everywhere you looked there were trees, plants, and flowers.  However, the air was filled with smog, humidity, and mosquitoes.  Those beautiful trees, plants, and flowers... covered about six feet high in red dust along the roads and red dust just about everywhere else.  Between the humidity and the red dust, I was not clean again until we returned home to the states.  It was at that moment I said an "I never" and God laughed and said, "haven't I taught you not to say that yet?"  I thought I would do my week in Uganda with joy and just never come back.  There I go getting ahead of myself again.

Remember that food I knew I should not eat a few days back in Korah?  Well, I had been trying to fight some symptoms for a few days but was now getting really sick.  Now I was in a new place I didn't love yet, living in the basement of the guest house because I missed room assignments, feeling exhausted both physically and emotionally, and now I was SICK.  I got a good nights sleep and hoped to feel better in the morning.

When morning came, I did not want to move from my bed.  Trying to overcome my physical weakness, I made myself get up, take a shower, and eat a little breakfast.  Missing a day was not an option for me.  A lot of people supported me to go on this trip, I have been dreaming of this trip for years, and I didn't want to miss a thing.  With that, I got on the bus and we headed to My Father's House where we were met with the most beautiful welcoming ever!  (see video)

 The children put on a singing program for us at the school and it was a fabulous time.  I was thankful to be able to sit during the program. 

 The children were so funny and thought their pictures were hysterical.  We had a lot of fun with that!

 In between the program and lunch, we had time to play with the children outside.  I gave everything I had left in my body to those children and when Julie said she was walking back to the bus to get water something in me said to walk with her.  As we were  approaching the bus I almost fainted.  I made my way onto the bus, drank some water and went to sleep on the back of the bus.  Sadly, that was where I spend the rest of the day, passed out across some seats of a hot bus.

I was sad when everyone came back to the bus to head home, but thankful to be headed back to my bed.  When we arrived at the guest house, I walked through to my room, washed my feet, took my first dose of antibiotic, literally fell onto my bed, and slept right though dinner.  I woke up around nine at night and decided to go upstairs and I'm glad I did.  I was able to just sit up there and had the pleasure of meeting Pastor Samuel and hear him talk to our group that evening.  We were joining his ministry for the next two days and he came to greet us and encourage us.  I needed those words that day more than he knew.  Of course it was right back to bed after that in hopes of more energy the next morning.

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