Angela made the boys oatmeal for breakfast and it was nice to do normal mom things for Teshome. The simple act of being able to go to the kitchen and pour him a glass of mango juice...priceless. The boys played our phones and ipads while we all got ready for our day. To my surprise, instead of dropping them off back in Korah they were going to join us for the day. Hooray!! Exactly what I had prayed for, a chance to serve together! Our first stop was to Embracing Hope which is a daycare. This ministry offers free daycare for working moms from the struggling communities around them. The childcare is free as long as the women are working and it must not be begging or prostitution. Embracing Hope is clean, has good toys, the kids are happy, and the nannies seems to love their jobs and are very creative. It's unbelievable how wonderful this place is.
I really can't find the right words to express my feelings watching Teshome with these children. He was fantastic!! When all the other boys ran off to play by themselves or to the van to play with the phones, Teshome was right with the kids. Comfortable, gentle, funny, and playful. The American's might as well have not been there because the kids just followed Teshome around wanting to play with him. My heart was so full I thought it would literally burst!!
This ministry was so unexpected. The good conditions, the lively energy from the nannies. The schedule is strict and filled with good play and music class. I felt like I was at Ethiopian Gymboree. The best sight was seeing that all the nannies are locals. It made me happy to see the care and routine poured into these children who at the end of the day are picked up by their parents. At this young age, so much good is happening for them.
Teshome and the boys also came along with us to Kadane, the catholic orphanage. Seeing him in an orphanage for the first time made me thankful he isn't in one. I'm not sure his funny, gentle, loving personality would have survived in institutional living. I prayed for his safety in Korah but was thankful for his freedom there. We decided as a team that this would be our last day together with the boys from Korah since we had the whole day together that day. On the porch of the orphanage, AB our translator helped Teshome and I be able to talk a little more. It was great to have the help.
Here are the moments why you should ALWAYS bring your best friend with you to Africa. As soon as the van drove around the corner and I stepped into the guest house courtyard, my knees finally gave way as I went into the ugliest cry I have EVER had. Kendra was there to literally catch me and hold me up as I sobbed all over her coat. I will never be the same after this day. God blessed Teshome and I with some emotional highs today and He will pick us up from this pit of sadness.
Just because things are hard or sad, doesn't mean we shouldn't do them. The biggest blessings come from some of the hardest things.